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The front-month US benchmark crude contract made only a minimal gain July 19 but finished last week at a 16-month high above $108/bbl. The biggest attention-grabber, however, was West Texas Intermediate trading near parity with North Sea Brent for the first time since 2010, down to only a 2¢/bbl spread. By early trading July 22, WTI was at a premium to Brent.

Wayne 24.05.2019 16:46
We went to university together http://9taxi.in.net 9taxi The U.S. government still has the option not to pursue thecharges against Grout. But if a grand jury votes to indict him,the opportunity for the charges to be dismissed will vanish.Prosecutors are expected within the next month to seekindictments against Grout and his former boss, JavierMartin-Artajo, who was also charged.

Mikel 24.05.2019 16:46
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Kraig 24.05.2019 16:45
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Charlespak 31.03.2018 07:51

Arthurdap 31.03.2018 06:54

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